Comforting Sick Kids, While Still Getting Some Things Done

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores, Parenting 0 Comments

It is hard to have anyone in the family sick, but it’s hardest to have one, or heaven forbid, more than one child sick at a time. Illness just throws everyone off schedule and routine. And mommy’s just want to take care of those who are suffering. So, how can mommies spend their time comforting sick kids, while still getting …

 Seven Days of Service for Mother’s Day Challenge

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores, Helping Others, Holidays 10 Comments

It can be difficult to think of a thoughtful gift children can give to their mother for Mother’s Day. The usual cards, coupon books, and handprints are nice, and sweet, but sometimes it is nice to give something different and a bit unexpected.  This year instead of promising to do things for Mom – just do the things, one act …

Establishing a Morning Routine with Toddlers

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores 4 Comments

Toddlers are in an interesting stage, developmentally. Sometimes their sleep schedules match perfectly with the rest of the family and sometimes they don’t.  This can wreak havoc on the schedule of the family. That’s why it’s important to begin establishing a morning routine with toddlers as soon as possible. All children benefit from routines. The routines give the children a …

Shopping with Young Children

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores 14 Comments

I have a friend who only has one child. She talks about going shipping with her child as a fantastic adventure the two share together. She talks about being able to browse through the sales rack and thoroughly enjoying the experience. I think that’s great, but it is definitely not my reality. My reality is all about surviving shopping with …

Dressing Toddlers in a Tear-Free Way

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores 4 Comments

Toddlers are an interesting bunch. They are just discovering that they can control things, and often their favorite word is “no”. Sometimes it doesn’t seem to matter what they are asked, the answer is “no”. Questions as positive as “Do you want a chocolate?” can be greeted with a fervent “NO!” Add this tendency to the myriad of options while …

Can Young Children Do Chores?

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Daily Chores 2 Comments

Chores are a staple of childhood. Doing chores helps children learn responsibility and feel like a contributing member of the family. Chores also teach basic life skills and help prepare children to take care of themselves when they are adults. But at what age is it reasonable to expect children to complete chores? Can young children do chores? Or should chores …