Best Posts from the Most Awesome Bloggers in 2015

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Collaborative posts, Family Fun, Kids Crafts, Parenting, School, STEAM 0 Comments

Hello All! I am thrilled to be a part of the Kid Blogger Network!  They are an awesome group of bloggers.  As we start 2016, we decided to look back at all of the posts that we wrote in 2015, and share our best posts.  We write posts in many different topics, so today you can see them sorted by …

Science in Action: M for Molecules

Mommy Crusader Family Fun, School, Science in Action, STEAM 8 Comments

Balloons in the Snow An exploration of molecular movement Outside of my house, there is alot of snow.  The temperature hasn’t gotten above freezing for several weeks.  But, my husband and I spent the weekend filling hundreds of water balloons with air for our kids to play with outside. Are we crazy?  Is it cold and snowy outside? Yes, but that’s …

Technology in Action – O is for Online Educational Programs for Kids

Mommy Crusader Being a Mommy, Mathematics preschool activities, Product Reviews, School, STEAM, Technology in Action 0 Comments

There are a lot of recommendations about what kids should spend their time doing. More importantly, there are a lot of recommendations about how long children should spend looking at a screen.  The American Pediatrics Association recommends children over the age of two should only have 1 to 2 hours of screen time a day. That’s a narrow time allowance …

Science in Action: O is for Ocean

Mommy Crusader School, Science in Action, STEAM 0 Comments

My children love the ocean. My oldest, especially, is fascinated with everything oceanic. My children habitually beg to be taken to whatever is the nearest aquarium. When we finally visited the California coast a couple of years ago, we couldn’t leave without a trip to the beach. We stayed so long our baby fell asleep on our beach towels. This …

Technology in Action: N is for Needles

Mommy Crusader School, STEAM, Technology in Action 0 Comments

I know, I know, needles aren’t exactly new technology. But, think about everything we accomplish because of needles.  A quick search of Wikipedia brings up pages of information about needles. And although needles are not considered new technology by any stretch of the imagination, they were important technology when first created. So, this week’s Technology in Action: N is for …

Science in Action: N is for Nuclear Reactions

Mommy Crusader School, Science in Action, STEAM 0 Comments

Nuclear energy is an amazing concept. Imagine all the energy the sun creates is caused by nuclear reactions. Granted, as humans, we’ve not done such a good job of harmlessly harnessing the power of nuclear reactions, but we have made great strides. So, for our Science in Action this week N is for nuclear reactions. There are two types of …

Art in Action: N is for Negative Image

Mommy Crusader Art in Action Activities, Kids Crafts, School, STEAM 0 Comments

It’s a lot of fun to see young children explore different color schemes and methods of creating art. In this Art in Action: N is for Negative Image, my children got the chance to make pictures in a negative image.  They had a lot of fun doing it, and even Daddy Crusader got in on the creation of art. Now, …